Good Housekeeping

  1. 2. Housekeeping is just not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  2. 8. Good housekeeping lays the basic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for accident and fire prevention.
  3. 9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ increases the likelihood of falls and spills and other dangerous incidents.
  4. 10. Housekeeping is good _ _ _ _ _ _.
  5. 11. All staff have _ _ _ _ keys (33A AA1) and are separated from other keys.
  6. 12. Good housekeeping can help prevent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  1. 1. One siign of commitment to employees and residents safety and health is good _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  2. 3. Housekeeping can help in identifying physical _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  3. 4. All chemicals are stored below _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ height.
  4. 5. Housekeeping carts are kept _ _ _ _ _ _ when not in use.
  5. 6. A clean environment reduces _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  6. 7. Housekeeping can also prevent _ _ _ _ _ for non-compliance.