- 4. Jesus says not to offer what is ___ (i.e., the Lord’s ___ words) to those who despise His directions and answer with aggression (Mt 7:6; cf. Pr 9:7-8; Pr 23:9).
- 5. We should not judgmentally judge others so we can avoid the judgment of ____ the Father through Christ (not people!) (Mt 7:1; cf. Ac 17:31; Mt 5:11-12, 16:27; Jn 5:22-23).
- 9. When Jesus says, “Don’t judge so you won’t be judged”, “judge” [κρίνω | krinō] does not refer to evaluation (cf. Lk 7:43), litigation (cf. Mt 5:40), or administration (cf. Mt 19:28), but to ____ (Mt 7:1; cf. Jn 3:17-18, 5:22-23, 7:51; Mt 23:33).
- 10. ___ were considered disgusting, unclean animals who would consume almost anything without discretion (Mt 7:6; cf. Lev 11:7-8; 2 Pet 2:21-22).
- 11. In accordance with the biblical principle of reciprocity, by the ___ standard or measure with which we judge others, we too will be judged (Mt 7:2; cf. Dt 19:21; Mt 5:7, 6:12, 14-15, 7:12).
- 12. After we have addressed our own spiritual issues (Mt 7:3-5), we should seek to help address someone else’s – out of ___ (cf. Eph 4:15), which does not delight in evil (1 Cor 13:6).
- 1. In Scripture, ___ are typically not viewed as a man’s best friend (Ex 22:31; 1 Sam 17:43, 1 Sam 24:14; Ps 22:16, 20; Is 56:10-11; Php 3:2; Rev 22:15). Dogs do not value what is truly valuable (Mt 7:6).
- 2. When it comes to judging, we can’t be ___ (play-actors) who pretend that we don’t have a similar issue (Mt 7:3-5). We have to be holier than the ____ (Mt 6:2, 5, 16; cf. Mt 5:20, 5:46-47; 23:3).
- 3. We are not to ____ judgmentally (Mt 7:1-2), hypocritically (Mt 7:3-5) or gullibly (Mt 7:6). And we are to use good ___-ment when spreading the Gospel (Mt 10:14, 16; Ac 13:46, 18:5-6).
- 6. Only God should condemn since only God knows the human _____ (Jer 17:9-10; 2 Ch 6:30b).
- 7. Jesus says that we must judge (i.e., evaluate) ____-ly (Jn 7:24). We must exercise good judgment when discerning between what is wrong and what is _____ (Mt 7:15-20; 1 Jn 4:1; 1 Th 5:20-22; Gal 1:8-9; 1 Cor 5:9-13) – and when seeking to ____ someone who is living wrong (Mt 7:3-5; Gal 6:1; Mt 18:15-17; Jas 5:19-20).
- 8. Jesus likens the Kingdom of Heaven to a ___ of great value – so valuable it’s worth giving up everything one has for it (Mt 13:45-46; cf. Mt 7:6).