Good morning class!

  1. 5. PE
  2. 6. ....... assistant
  3. 10. I can't run in the ...
  4. 11. I use it to write the lesson
  5. 12. a scientific school subject
  6. 13. I must put it on my table
  7. 16. who wants to be the ......?
  8. 18. I use it to underline something
  9. 19. Sorry I am ....!
  10. 20. I use it during the maths lessons
  11. 21. I can run in the ...
  1. 1. a school subject (grammar,reading...)
  2. 2. Monday, Tuesday...
  3. 3. you are a ...
  4. 4. I can read ... in the library
  5. 7. be .....!(silence!)
  6. 8. I put my food in it
  7. 9. I write my English lessons in it
  8. 12. ... I open the window?
  9. 14. I can see all my school subjects on it
  10. 15. Can I go to the ...?
  11. 17. a ......... mouse
  12. 22. Calm ....!