  1. 2. immunity which is used in immunocompromised patients
  2. 4. long lasting type of immunity
  3. 6. diagnostic test for typhoid
  4. 8. immunobiological used in snake poisoing
  5. 9. primary lymphoid organ which reduces size with age
  6. 10. immunity which is short living
  7. 12. antigen binding fragment in antibody
  8. 14. agarnulocytes which can phagocytise microbes
  9. 17. exaggerated immune response
  10. 18. cells responsible for humoral immunity or antibody mediated immunity
  11. 20. lymphoid tissue lining the mucosa of respiratory, digestive and urinogenital tracts
  12. 21. antibody involved in allergy
  1. 1. immunity which is acquired during lifetime
  2. 3. lymphocytes responsible for graft rejection
  3. 5. immunity earned after the birth and added during the life time
  4. 7. response in second or subsequent exposure of antigens
  5. 11. antigenic determinant
  6. 13. hepatitis B vaccine is produced on large scale using this technology
  7. 15. substances will not stimulate an immune response unless they are bound to a larger molecule
  8. 16. antibody which can cross placenta
  9. 19. graveyard of erythrocytes
  10. 21. antibody produced during initial stages of lactation through colostrums