
  1. 3. substances will not stimulate an immune response unless they are bound to a larger molecule
  2. 4. reverse of vaccine for tb
  3. 5. type of strain for killed polio vaccine
  4. 8. A living microbe with reduced virulence that is used for vaccination
  5. 11. antibody which can cross placenta
  6. 12. type of diphtheria toxoi
  7. 14. cells responsible for humoral immunity or antibody mediated immunity
  8. 15. disease caused by virus like bacteria
  9. 16. I am a microbe and live
  10. 17. immunity which is used in immunocompromised patients
  11. 19. antigenic determinant
  12. 21. first word of a type of screening which means a mob
  1. 1. diagnostic test for diphtheria
  2. 2. type of immunity obtained from birth
  3. 6. immunobiological used in snake poisoing
  4. 7. immunity earned after the birth and added during the life time
  5. 8. which increases the immune response when added to immmunobiological with poor immune response
  6. 9. i love to stay inside any cell only
  7. 10. diagnostic test for TB
  8. 13. long lasting type of immunity
  9. 14. type of strain from which BCG vaccine is prepared
  10. 18. first word of virulence factor released outside the microrganism
  11. 20. protein of M.tuberculosis used as diagnostic agent