
  1. 3. a movement that has begun in recent years to devolve more responsibilities back to the states and aimed to pass on to the states many federal functions
  2. 4. Powers powers given to the state government alone
  3. 5. Powers powers given to the national government alone
  4. 12. government authority shared by national and local governments
  5. 14. Faith and Credit Clause Clause that says states within the United States have to respect the "public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state."
  6. 16. IV Article that discusses the responsibilities and duties of the states as well as what responsibilities the federal government has to the States
  7. 17. A type of government that spreads the power among many sub-units (such as states), and has a weak central government (U.S. Government under the articles of confederation)
  8. 19. and Proper Clause Section of the constitution allowing Congress to pass all laws "necessary and proper" to its duties, and which has permitted Congress to exercise powers not specifically given to it (enumerated) by the Constitution.
  9. 20. Court The arbiter of what the Constitution means
  10. 21. Amendment Powers not delegated to the United States are reserved for the states and then the people
  1. 1. grants Funding given to states when the federal government selects specific projects based on merit. (Competition between states.)
  2. 2. Clause Clause that allows Congress to regulate and promote interstate and international commerce
  3. 6. The constitutional requirement that states return a person charged with a crime in another state to that state for trial or imprisonment
  4. 7. Powers Powers that are specifically granted to the federal government by the Constitution (also called expressed or enumerated powers)
  5. 8. The invalidation of a US state law when it conflicts with Federal law
  6. 9. Power powers shared by the national and state governments
  7. 10. Powers powers of congress not specifically spelled out in the Constitution, but seem to be implied by powers expressly stated
  8. 11. and Immunities Clause Clause that states that citizens of each state will be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in other states
  9. 13. VI Establishes the supremacy of federal laws and treaties. The constitution is the law of the land.
  10. 15. system A government system that concentrates all policymaking powers in one central geographic place (China, Britain, France)
  11. 18. Powers powers not expressly stated in the constitution, but are inherent to the very idea of national government