Gov. Vocab

  1. 2. A court's list of cases to be heard
  2. 5. Order for a person to appear and produce documents or other requested materials
  3. 7. Power of a court to determine the constitutionality of a government action
  4. 9. To bring formal charges against a public official
  5. 11. People of one culture merge into, and become part of, another culture
  6. 13. Denied the right to vote
  7. 17. Picking primary candidate for general election
  8. 18. Non criminal matter
  9. 19. A person who is represented politically by a designated government official or officeholder
  1. 1. Regular election of candidates for office
  2. 2. The existing or occurring inside a specific country
  3. 3. Dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed
  4. 4. The authority of a court to hear a case
  5. 6. The current officeholder
  6. 8. A person qualified to vote in an election
  7. 10. Instructions or commands a constituency gives to its elected officials
  8. 12. A defendant is tried for committing a crime as defined by law
  9. 14. Outside of a specific country
  10. 15. To find not guilty of a charge
  11. 16. Release from the punishment or legal consequences of a crime, by the President or a governor