Government 5/6 Aleena Kinser + Kelsey Shaffer

  1. 2. Majority leader/ the person elected by the majority party who serves as the spokesperson for the majority party in the senate.
  2. 5. Committees/ Permanet committees of the house of repersentatives that address the major areas in which most proposed laws fall, such as argiculture, the budget, and armed services.
  3. 7. of the senate/ a position held by the vice president of the united states, who presides over debate in the senate chamber.
  4. 8. Resoultion/A congressional mesure used in certain out-if-the-ordinary circumstances and has the force of law if passed by both houses.
  5. 10. Mandering/ the drawing of district boundries for political advantage.
  6. 12. to add an unpopular provision to a bill that is likely to be passed so that addition may "ride" along with the bill that is passed.
  7. 13. of Attainder/ a law that punishs a person without trail.
  8. 14. A congressional act or bill that sets aside funds for a specific purpose.
  9. 16. of Habeas law/ a Court order that faces the police to present a person in court to face charges.
  1. 1. the vote to end debate of a bill in the senate.
  2. 3. Facto laws/ laws that criminalize an action that took place in the past and that was legal at the time also means " from after the fact".
  3. 4. the redistributation of the seats in the house of representtives amoung the states based on the results of the censeus.
  4. 6. The Process of charging officals in the executive and judicial branches with wrong doing and bringing them to trial.
  5. 9. the people of a particular geograpchic area who are represented by a lawmaking body.
  6. 11. vote/ a vote in which each member of congress is requried to publicaly state his or her vote.
  7. 15. veto/ which a president can reject a bill, when congress is not in session, by not signing it.