Government Acronyms

  1. 2. Department used in the show White Collar
  2. 4. when created in 1935 was a major step in the growth of union rights
  3. 6. military alliance with several North American and European countries
  4. 8. Does everything to do with exploration of the stars and planets
  5. 9. provides relatively inexpensive electricity to poor rural areas of the South
  6. 10. protects northern land from oil industries
  7. 12. headquarters is the name of a shape
  8. 15. protects health of Americans and provides human services
  9. 16. nickname Freddie Mac
  10. 17. highest ranking members of the US military
  11. 19. provides means for people to have safe, affordable housing, as well as making cities more functional and attractive
  12. 21. nickname Ginnie Mae
  13. 22. leads government's response to natural disasters
  14. 23. established in 1953 to give assistance to small enterprises
  15. 24. establishes rules for air traffic
  16. 25. provides loans to farmers who are in need of short term loans
  17. 26. oversees action in 6 geographical areas of the world
  18. 27. handles terrorist threats
  19. 29. made after the stock market crash of 1929
  1. 1. department that collects taxes
  2. 3. tracks down criminals who work on a world-wide scale
  3. 4. issues weather forecasts
  4. 5. inspects and grades food
  5. 7. oversees infrastructure
  6. 8. provides grants for artistic endeavors as well as scientific research
  7. 11. insures deposits people have in banks
  8. 13. attorney general is head of this department
  9. 14. reorganized remaining functions of HEW go into this department
  10. 16. nickname Fannie Mae
  11. 18. gathers information through agents as well as wire tapping and satellite reconnaissance
  12. 20. Brown and black trucks that are seen a lot more near Christmas
  13. 21. watchdog agency so activities of federal offices stay in bounds with the law
  14. 22. insures some mortgages that private banks make to homeowners
  15. 24. certifies foods and cosmetics
  16. 25. grants license for radio and television stations
  17. 26. Carries out delivery of mail
  18. 28. oversees the practice of railroads