Government acronyms

  1. 2. Congress reorganized most of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare's functions into this department
  2. 4. A cabinet department created by congress in 1953
  3. 5. nicknamed Fannie Mae
  4. 6. Taxes
  5. 7. nicknamed Freddie Mac
  6. 9. Issues weather forecasts and conducts research in the sea and sky
  7. 11. President Lyndon created this department to make urban areas safer to live in
  8. 12. Provides grants for artistic endeavors
  9. 13. Investigators
  10. 15. Certifies the quality of foods and cosmetics sold in America and approves new prescription drugs
  11. 16. Oversees actions in six geographical areas of the world
  12. 17. Delivers packages
  13. 18. Created after the events of September 11, 2001
  14. 19. Five-sided shape
  15. 22. A watchdog agency that Congress created in 1921 to ensure that the activities of federal offices and personnel stay within the law and within budget guidelines
  16. 23. Highest ranking members of the military
  17. 25. A New Deal program begun to develop the resources of the area in and around the Tennessee River
  18. 26. nicknamed Ginnie Mae
  19. 28. Makes sure that companies which sell stocks tell the truth about their business and about their profits and losses
  20. 29. Provides services for veterans
  1. 1. Tracks down worldwide criminals
  2. 3. Provides assistance, information, and loans to the nation's small businesses
  3. 5. Insures the deposits that people have in banks
  4. 7. Leads the federal government's response to natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods
  5. 8. Insures some mortgages that private banks make to homeowners
  6. 9. Enforces provisions of the National Labor Relations Act
  7. 10. Congress passed legislation on action to either release or protect the oil in Alaska
  8. 13. Coordinates and regulates the network of Farm Credit Associations throughout the country
  9. 14. The first independent agency that Congress created
  10. 15. Regulates communication by radio, television, telephone, telegraph, satellite, cable, and the Internet
  11. 16. Oversees the country's first industry
  12. 17. Delivers mail
  13. 18. The department that conducts legal business
  14. 20. Oversees the nation's transportation system
  15. 21. Establishes rules for air traffic
  16. 24. Coordinates the intelligence-gathering work of the government
  17. 27. Space