Government Mid-Term Exam Review

  1. 6. what act helped to fund state universities with the sale of public land given to states by the federal governments
  2. 7. grants that come with "strings" attached
  3. 8. keep people in office who are sympathetic to group wants and needs
  4. 11. What branch of government is media?
  5. 12. People who share interests form groups to advance their causes and that some groups have too much power – gridlock
  6. 14. branch that confirms presidential appointments
  7. 17. Controls the media, no one may operate radio or TV stations without their license
  8. 18. How do interest groups get money?
  9. 19. belong only because the U.S. is sovereign. There are few of these. One is the National Gov’ts ability to regulate immigration.
  10. 20. A collection of people who share some common interest or attitude and seek to influence gov’t for specific ends
  11. 22. the legal process by which a fugitive from justice in one State is returned to that State (Article IV, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution).
  12. 24. journalists whose sole job is to follow the President
  13. 25. an act directing people of the territory to frame a proposed constitution
  14. 26. a system of gov’t in which a written constitution divides the powers of government between the national gov’t (U.S.) and the State governments (50 States)
  1. 1. agreements among states
  2. 2. ability of the media to draw public attention to certain issues and to ignore other issues
  3. 3. grants of federal money or other resources to the states and/or their cities, counties, or localities
  4. 4. commands armed forces
  5. 5. Constitution ensures that States recognize the laws and, documents, and court proceedings of the other States
  6. 9. money that goes to local gov’t in areas where there are large federal land holding in lieu of property taxes that the local gov’t can’t collect from the national gov’t
  7. 10. interprets the Constitution and other laws
  8. 13. no State can draw unreasonable distinctions between its own residents and those persons who happen to live in other States.
  9. 15. links people and government, gives voice to people
  10. 16. assigning certain powers to the National Government and certain powers to the States
  11. 21. powers that the Constitution does not grant to the National Government and does not, at the same time, deny to the States.
  12. 23. factions are bad, but a necessary evil