Government Procedures

  1. 3. Divides the power of the state government between the federal and state government.
  2. 6. Establishes the principle that the federal constitution and federal law is supreme to the states.
  3. 8. Criminal offense carrying a sentence of a year or more.
  4. 9. Number of Supreme Court Justices.
  5. 10. % of votes needed in the House and Senate to override a presidential veto.
  6. 11. Cases where an individual is charged with a specific crime.
  1. 1. Criminal offense carrying a sentence of a year or less.
  2. 2. 98 % of criminal cases are heard in this court.
  3. 4. Works with juries as essential parts of our legal system.
  4. 5. Check used by the Executive to limit the power of the Legislative Branch.
  5. 7. Case concerning disputes between two parties and usually defined by the relationship between them.
  6. 8. Court of limited jurisdiction involving federal law and the constitution.