government terms

  1. 2. Believed in natural rights- life, liberty, and property; the strongest influence on Thomas Jefferson, who wrote natural rights into the Declaration of Independence
  2. 4. Fupporters of the new Constitution who believed in a strong central government with limited
  3. 5. Chose to preside at the Constitutional Convention; he later became the first president of the United States; he set precedent by stepping down after two terms and initiating a peaceful transition of power
  4. 6. Government is defined by law and serves the people; the law is above everyone and it applies to everyone, whether ruler or the ruled
  5. 7. Explains the purposes of the Constitution and defines the powers of the new government as
  6. 9. The distribution of power between the national government and the states within a union
  7. 11. Government attempts to control all facets of the lives of its citizens
  8. 13. Compromise reached in writing the Constitution to satisfy both small and large states by having one house of Congress with an equal number of representatives for each state and the other house’s membership determined by a state’s population
  9. 14. and checks and balances
  10. 16. rights and liberties of the people
  11. 18. First ten amendments to the Constitution, added by the first Congress in 1791; protects the
  12. 20. King/queen controls all aspect of life: social, economic, and political – oftentimes tied to the divine right of kings (authority from God)
  13. 21. Group of people who feared the new government created by the Constitution; gave too much power to the national government at the expense of individual rights
  14. 22. Considered intelligent and decisive, he was a leading supporter of the Constitution and helped write the Federalist Papers
  1. 1. 3rd president of the United States and author of the Declaration of Independence; did not take part in writing the Constitution because he was in France at the time. He was a strong advocate for the addition of a Bill of Rights
  2. 3. Type of democracy based on the protection of individual rights from the tyranny of the majority and on the consent of the governed to establish political authority
  3. 6. Powers saved for the states in our system of federalism, guaranteed in the 9th Amendment to the Constitution
  4. 8. from the people of the United States
  5. 10. First plan of government adopted in the United States after the revolution; it was a loose association of states with no authority to tax, no national army, and no chief executive
  6. 12. “Father of the Constitution” and fourth president of the United States; essential to the writing and ratification of the Constitution; he also wrote the first 10 amendments to the Constitution that were ratified as the Bill of Rights
  7. 15. Power is held at the national level, with very little power being held in political subdivisions, such as provinces, states, counties, parishes, or tow
  8. 17. The government is not all-powerful; its powers are limited, and the acts of the government are those willed by the people Constitution were written
  9. 19. The citizens have political authority and are bound by social contract to obey laws with their rights guaranteed by a constitution; citizens willingly subordinate their private, selfish interests to the common good