Govt. Vocab Crossword - Layla Johnson

  1. 1. believed in natural rights: life, liberty, and property; strongest influence on Thomas Jefferson
  2. 3. defined the structure of Congress and the number of representatives each state would have in Congress
  3. 5. supporters of the new Constitution who believed in a strong central government with limited government and checks and balances
  4. 9. third president of the United States; author of the Declaration of Independence
  5. 10. king/queen controls all aspects of life
  6. 12. explains the purpose of the constitution, and defines the powers of the new government as originating from the people of the United States
  7. 17. the power within the government is divided so that no branch is too powerful
  8. 18. powers that are not specifically granted to the federal government by the Constitution
  9. 20. group who feared the new government created by the Constitution gave too much power to the national government at the expense of individual rights
  1. 2. the government is not all powerful; powers are limited
  2. 4. power is held at the national level, with very little power being held in political subdivisions
  3. 6. a leading supporter of the constitution and helped write the Federalist Papers; he has a whole musical about him
  4. 7. english philosopher, had the Social Contract Theory
  5. 8. government is defined by law and serves the people; law is above and applies to everyone
  6. 11. the people are the only source of power for any and all government actions; government can only govern with the consent of the governed
  7. 13. belief that monarchs were chosen by God; gave the monarch unlimited authority
  8. 14. first president of the United States
  9. 15. the distribution of power between the national government and the states within a union
  10. 16. father of the constitution, fourth president of the United States
  11. 19. government attempts to control all facets of the lives of its citizens