GPL Crossword

  1. 2. Refer to Article 4 for the correct process and handle situations
  2. 4. APR is broken down in order for customers to pay in full early
  3. 5. customer emails in asking "Why am I declined" customer lives in the state of Vermont
  4. 6. fifth business day before 5:30pm ET
  5. 7. part of a scheduled payment
  6. 13. Post Funding, account holder has paid off first and taken additional loan(s)
  7. 16. "I think your interest is to high"
  8. 17. The customer has signed the loan agreement on a current or past loan
  9. 19. required to utilize this comment class when a system generated note is recorded
  10. 20. To reissue funds to bank account we have to wait 3 banking business day for
  1. 1. “Ive had to call back three times today to get this issue resolved”
  2. 2. Customer makes payment above scheduled amount
  3. 3. loan is unsecured and is paid back in equal payments at fixed intervals
  4. 7. Pre Application, no account in Admin
  5. 8. The customer has made changes to the application
  6. 9. customer is eligible for a refinance option, calling in to inquire on process
  7. 10. Payment required based on loan terms and agreement
  8. 11. verification document(s) fail/pass
  9. 12. Email sent to customer containing a 6 digit number required for application process
  10. 14. customer calls in, agent unable to hear
  11. 15. System generated feature, not always offered
  12. 18. cci adv “I need to make pymnt arrangements” acct is pastdue