Grace and Brianna's Physical Education Soccer, Football, Ultimate Frisbee Word Search

  1. 2. A pass that results in a goal (soccer)
  2. 5. _________ have been known to sell for up to $500.
  3. 7. Who was the first black soccer player?
  4. 9. 12 million pounds of avocados will be purchased in the week leading up to the super bowl according to the ________
  5. 11. What animal has a 1 in 17 billion chance of becoming an NHL player that is used in the Super Bowl?
  6. 12. Nearly 300 million _______have been sold since their introduction 40 years ago
  7. 13. The World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) is located in_______
  8. 14. The first school for FRISBEE–catching dog training was called the _______ of FRISBEE Dog Studies
  9. 17. It takes about 600 cows to make one full seasons worth of ______
  10. 18. What is another name for soccer?
  11. 22. Covers the middle of the field (soccer)
  12. 24. Uses head to pass the ball (soccer)
  13. 25. ___________Has been demonstrated to require a higher cardiovascular fitness level than any other field game
  14. 26. Flying discs made before 1964 are considered _________by collectors
  1. 1. More than one–third of the schools in the U.S. use flying discs as part of their physical education programs, and the list is growing
  2. 3. ________ football players in televised NFL games get six more seconds of camera time than celebrating players.
  3. 4. The game of Ultimate was invented in 1969 by high school students in a parking lot near _________________ in Maplewood, N.J.
  4. 6. There is a section on “Flying Disc Throwing” in the_________________
  5. 8. Who is considered the father of American football?
  6. 10. What is the most watched television event in America?
  7. 11. To dribble the ball (soccer)
  8. 15. The _________ sporting goods company in Ada Ohio has been the official supplier of the NHL since 1941
  9. 16. Virtually everyone in the _________has heard of the frisbee disc and nearly 90 percent of all people in this country have played with one
  10. 19. What is an empty field called? (soccer)
  11. 20. The last scoreless game in 1943 when the Detroit Lions and New York Giants battled it out for a 0-0 tie
  12. 21. Just two years after finishing their careers approximately 78% of NFL players go ______
  13. 23. A sport played between two teams of 11 player