Grace McCloskey CHapter 13 WWI

  1. 2. outlined plan for achieving a just and lasting peace
  2. 4. an alliance between three countries
  3. 7. nickname tiger
  4. 9. powers of combined countries, joining forces
  5. 12. a plan for attacking and defeating france
  6. 14. countries that devoted all their resources to the war effort
  7. 15. germany, austria-hungary
  8. 16. the formation of two countries joined with italy
  9. 17. policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war
  10. 18. ideas behind the points allowing people to decide for themselves
  11. 21. goods in short supply that governments would control by only giving small amounts
  1. 1. submarines the sink without warning in waters around britain
  2. 3. holes of parallel trenches dug for miles for protecting soldiers during the war
  3. 5. area of battlefield stretched by german and russian borders
  4. 6. compromise reached between germany and the allied powers signed on june 28 1919
  5. 8. the deadlocked region in northern france
  6. 10. treaty that adopted wilsons fourteen points
  7. 11. served at president of princeton and passionate about war
  8. 13. ruler of germany who forced bismark to resign
  9. 19. agreement to stop fighting
  10. 20. onesided information used to persuade or keep up morale and support for the war