  1. 2. an instruction that causes the computer to perform a particular action.
  2. 4. A............ produces a hardcopy-physical copy-of text and graphics.
  3. 5. printing enables you to print on both sides of a page thus saving on paper costs.
  4. 8. an input device that contains keys (buttons) that the user presses to enter data and instructions into a computer
  5. 11. the smallest unit of a digital image.
  6. 12. A................ printer many functions
  7. 13. The most commonly used operating system on a computer is any version of Microsoft...............
  8. 15. ........................captures human-marked data from printed forms, such as surveys, test forms or questionnaires.
  9. 17. A................. is a pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand.
  10. 18. The process of starting or restarting a computer is called...............................
  11. 19. character recognition (MICR) reader reads the magnetic ink characters that are printed at the bottom of each cheque.
  12. 20. You interact with the computer using a series of windows and clicking on.........., menus buttons (WIMP).
  1. 1. A well-designed essential for an operating system to be popular.
  2. 3. a device that displays text, graphics and video, and is a visual window for the user.
  3. 6. Hardware refers to the................components of a computer that you can see and touch.
  4. 7. The operating system is responsible for managing......................
  5. 9. A user............ is an instruction given by the user to a particular question displayed by the program.
  6. 10. The.................Logic Unit performs arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction.
  7. 14. The....................system is the main software that controls all the operations that take place in a computer and manages the computer hardware.
  8. 16. The BIOS performs ensure that the computer hardware connected to the computer is correctly installed and is fully functional.