Grade 3 Book Project

  1. 2. Who stole the foxes?
  2. 5. Who was the person who captured the foxes?
  3. 10. What other animals did the kids see at the zoo?
  4. 12. What club are the kids and Ms. Marlow in?
  5. 14. How much does the hunter get paid?
  6. 15. Who makes bubbles with his name?
  7. 16. What is in the back of the van?
  8. 17. Who likes being a troublemaker?
  9. 18. What type of pet did Toro have?
  10. 19. What is the author's last name?
  1. 1. What did the kids ride in to tour the zoo?
  2. 2. What is the title of the book?
  3. 3. Where does the story take place?
  4. 4. What was the name of the zoo keeper?
  5. 6. What did the kids and Ms. Marlow ride in to get to the zoo?
  6. 7. Why did Anton join the club?
  7. 8. Which character likes animals?
  8. 9. What are the kids looking for?
  9. 11. What were the protestor's protesting?
  10. 13. Who likes taking pictures?