Grade 4 1.1-1.5 Vocab Review Sheet

  1. 4. (adj) showing or feeling concern for someone or something
  2. 5. (adj) in a very bad way, extremely intense or harsh
  3. 8. (v) to wait; to be unsure about doing something
  4. 13. (n) the force that attracts a body to the center of the earth
  5. 14. (adj) involving a new or original idea or design
  6. 20. (amount of) (adj) a big amount of something
  7. 21. (n) the action of one object rubbing against another
  8. 22. (v) to make changes to the structure of something
  9. 23. (n) a set sequence in a performance such as dance
  10. 24. (v) to fall down or give way
  11. 25. (v) to come up with solutions or ideas in a group
  12. 26. (n) something that gives you an idea or motivates you
  13. 27. (n) to be in a favorable position
  14. 28. (adj) to feel very embarrassed by something or someone
  15. 31. (n) a new and exciting project
  16. 32. (n) proof of who you are
  1. 1. (v) to tell someone how to do something better
  2. 2. (v) to press something flat with your hands
  3. 3. (adv) to really, really want to (v)
  4. 6. (adj) to do and say things in a kind and respectful way
  5. 7. (n) a series of steps to achieve a goal
  6. 9. (n) a problematic event that needs immediate attention.
  7. 10. (n) damage to something; usually after natural disasters
  8. 11. (adj) the first of something and not a copy
  9. 12. (v) to say something in a low voice
  10. 15. (adj) usually related to formal documents
  11. 16. (v) to go faster; to gain speed
  12. 17. (n) a danger or a risk
  13. 18. (adj) unusually good or outstanding
  14. 19. (adj) responsible for
  15. 21. (n) money set aside for a project or event
  16. 26. (n) to ask for information about something.
  17. 29. (adv) to do something in a disorganized and thoughtless way
  18. 30. (n) how well you think about yourself