Grade 4S Crossword

  1. 2. Loves horses
  2. 4. I read big boooks and enjoy writing stories
  3. 5. I am the best cheater in Minecraft and I wear glasses
  4. 10. Loves Justin Bieber
  5. 12. enthusiastic, loud, Pixar lover and Friday bell ringer
  6. 14. Smart and good at maths and plays basketball
  7. 15. This person likes to play golf
  8. 17. Loves 1Direction and good skills for four square
  9. 18. My mum is from the northern hemisphere
  10. 20. I play lots of video games and enjoy Maths
  11. 21. I have a step brother in my year level
  12. 22. I am a puch pop lover
  13. 23. I really enjoy Science and do nippers on the weekend
  1. 1. Athletic and enthusiastic and brags about stuff
  2. 3. This person is very shy when around strangers
  3. 4. This person is good at speech and drama
  4. 6. This person is very quiet
  5. 7. I am happy, loud and crazy
  6. 8. I am in Wilsmore and I really like sport
  7. 9. I have a very naughty big brother
  8. 11. I have black hair and I am still learning English
  9. 13. I'm outstanding at maths and I always have my head in a book
  10. 16. I have two front buckteeth
  11. 19. Loves lego and a good builder
  12. 21. Very good at general knowledge and likes to answer questions