Grade 6 Essential Elements Review

  1. 3. a note that gets 4 beats of sound
  2. 4. play moderately loud
  3. 6. a curved line that connects notes of the same pitch
  4. 7. two beats of silence
  5. 10. to pluck the string
  6. 11. play loudly
  7. 12. to play with the bow
  8. 13. one beat of sound
  9. 15. this major key signature contains two sharps
  10. 16. gradually slow down
  11. 18. two or more notes played in the same bow direction with a stop in between the notes
  12. 19. a curved line that connects notes of different pitches
  13. 20. play softly
  1. 1. two beats of sound
  2. 2. three beats of sound
  3. 5. one beat of silence
  4. 8. to play again (hint: two dots!)
  5. 9. notes played with a short, stopped bow
  6. 14. this major key signature contains one sharp
  7. 17. moderately slow