Grade 7 Vocab List

  1. 2. to pass an event or to produce
  2. 5. enough or more than
  3. 8. to open slightly
  4. 9. hostile.
  5. 10. using less words
  6. 12. or situation
  7. 14. to work together to
  8. 15. people or groups
  9. 16. content with one’s
  10. 17. distant or unconcerned
  1. 1. cause someone to
  2. 3. a supernatural
  3. 4. as in a ghost or spirit.
  4. 6. to bewilder, perplex, or
  5. 7. caused to be confused
  6. 11. object.
  7. 13. dreary; miserable; without
  8. 14. agreement or harmony