Grade 7 week 2

  1. 2. I... like English
  2. 4. A teacher writes on this
  3. 5. It can play games
  4. 7. Something you read, like a book
  5. 10. Animals are .....
  6. 11. Take a math....
  7. 15. .... A picture
  8. 16. $$$
  9. 18. Have an English....
  10. 19. Place to Swim
  11. 20. Give something back
  12. 21. Have a little
  1. 1. A person from Japan
  2. 3. Where a scientist works
  3. 6. Why?
  4. 8. Hospital/School/Office
  5. 9. Go.... the world
  6. 12. A place to walk in
  7. 13. A money bag
  8. 14. You..... do your homework
  9. 17. Can I.... a pen