Grade 8 LO

  1. 2. waste that includes chemicals and radio active substances .
  2. 4. These types of gasses are emitted when waste decomposes.
  3. 7. The method of waste removal associated with burning rubbish.
  4. 9. .... poluttes the air and water
  5. 10. The type of waste we create from our homes.
  6. 11. .... is illegal in protected areas.
  7. 13. ..... are filling up as waste decomposes ,it gives off greenhouse gases.
  1. 1. .... our rubbish to the dump also creates greenhouse gas
  2. 3. The type of waste we make when throwing out the,cellphones and computers.
  3. 5. What is a species of animal that is on the brink of extinction classified as.
  4. 6. Poaching is also know as a .... crime.
  5. 8. The type of waste made by mines and factories
  6. 12. The person who makes sure that business comply with Environmental laws is known as a Environmental Health....
  7. 14. At the first earth summit what percentage of reports said that getting rid of solid waste was one of our biggest Environmental concerns.