Grade 9 Business Review

  1. 3. The title of a reports consisits of all
  2. 4. This chart is ideal for side-by-side comparisions
  3. 6. Information at the very top of a business letter is known as
  4. 7. A megabyte is how many bytes
  5. 8. Information displayed on the screen
  6. 11. This computer part uses electrical paths that connect each component of the computer together
  7. 15. Are tabs that only appear when you need them Seven The number of tabs on the Microsoft Excel Screen
  8. 16. Normal View can change into
  9. 18. Calculates the arthimetic mean of the numbers/cells/range of cells
  1. 1. A non-removeable storage device included in most computers
  2. 2. The most powerful computer made
  3. 5. You can touch this copy
  4. 9. Microsoft Excel consists of
  5. 10. How many worksheets does a new workbook contain?
  6. 12. replaces old text with next text
  7. 13. The tab displays the text contained in your presentation
  8. 14. Can view image properly
  9. 17. Refers to all the cells between and including the reference