Grade Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. species together and abiotic factors
  2. 4. movement of carbon through biotic and abiotic factors
  3. 6. level of earth's mantle
  4. 7. of one species
  5. 8. of weathering where sediment is worn away and carried through natural processes
  6. 9. movement of nitroge through biotic and abiotic factors
  7. 10. species put together
  8. 11. long-term relationship between organisms (commensalism, parasitism, mutualism)
  9. 14. organisms compete for resources in the same environment
  10. 15. waves/energy that comes in different types of waves which cause plate tectonics
  11. 18. development environment
  12. 19. eroded sediment is transported away and settles
  13. 20. a second meaning to a word
  14. 23. notation/regular large numbers of exponents
  15. 28. programming interface
  16. 29. level/level in foot chain (primary, secondary, tertiary, producer)
  17. 31. Carta/documents created in 1200's that limits the tyrannical King Henry III rights that inspired the Constitution
  18. 33. plot- uses minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and maximum
  19. 34. boundary when plates move together
  20. 35. boundaries/convergent, sivergent, transform
  21. 37. layer of earth
  22. 38. wedging/when water can brek rock through freezing and melting
  23. 40. levels of complexity
  24. 42. spots/an area of earth where the mantle is very very hot and can cause a mantle plume causing ilands to form
  25. 43. main rivers/named after dragons
  26. 44. ecosystem of planet earth
  27. 45. number/total number of electron, protons, and neutrons
  28. 46. with an o and is a synonym of flamboyant
  29. 47. drift/ when the seafloor spread, two continents move away from each other
  1. 2. boundary when plates slide past each other
  2. 3. of weathering where friction wears away sediment
  3. 5. a bad connotation
  4. 11. notation/to abbreviate large number with a of 0's
  5. 12. boundary when plates move apart
  6. 13. formed after reaction
  7. 16. Luther/humanist who created Lutheranism
  8. 17. symbol/ abbreviation of an element
  9. 21. equation/an equation between two variables that gives a straight line when plotted on a graph.
  10. 22. that sound the same but have different meanings
  11. 24. causing a reaction
  12. 25. animal hunts, kills, and eats prey
  13. 26. words are spelled the same but have different meanings
  14. 27. ecosystems with similar climate
  15. 30. layer of Earth
  16. 32. number/ number of protons
  17. 36. words are opposite but put together
  18. 39. organism
  19. 41. me