Grade Nine Vocabulary 1 Packet Review

  1. 1. Limited in knowledge of the world; narrow-minded
  2. 4. dreamily thoughtful
  3. 6. To establish; to reflect the truth of
  4. 8. morally unrestrained
  5. 12. Stubborn; obstinate; hard to move forward
  6. 13. In high spirits; exultantly proud and joyful
  7. 16. Uninterested; listless
  8. 17. Extended in time; prolonged
  9. 19. A coin collector
  10. 21. To turn away feelings or affection
  1. 2. to lead toward some action
  2. 3. Unable to be conquered
  3. 5. to draw back; to withdraw
  4. 7. Supportive; encouraging; helping to bring about
  5. 9. irritable or short-tempered
  6. 10. believing that all events in life are inevitable and determined by fate
  7. 11. A scarcity or lack
  8. 14. to draw a conclusion from fact; to infer
  9. 15. that which drives one; momentum
  10. 18. to force oneself into a situation (uninvited)
  11. 20. Acting passionately and without forethought