graffiti types

  1. 1. gang tags are used to ... potential members
  2. 5. really flash graffiti
  3. 9. some graffiti gets shown in these
  4. 11. the kind of authority graffitists don't have when they 'deface property'
  5. 12. ideological graffiti is used to express someone's ...?
  6. 13. many people consider graffiti to be this.
  7. 14. conventional graffiti is not usually considered a problem because it is usually an ... incident
  1. 2. everyday graffiti, as on desks and toilet walls e.g. 'John was here'
  2. 3. a quick, simple signature
  3. 4. a group of taggers
  4. 6. ideological graffiti can sometimes express this kind of idea
  5. 7. gang graffiti is often used to mark ...?
  6. 8. an alias, or a.k.a. - used by taggers
  7. 10. the Italian word for scratch that the term 'graffiti is derived from (based on)
  8. 15. a flasher version of a tag