Gram Positive and Gram Negative Cocci

  1. 5. is the most virulent Staphylococci species encountered.
  2. 6. Streptococcus pyogenes is also known as
  3. 7. Gram positive cocci occurring in pairs or in chains
  4. 10. in males and acute cervicitis in females.
  5. 12. An outbreak of gastroenteritis was linked to an aerobic, gram-positive, spore-forming bacillus that was isolated from raw vegetables. The bacterium was motile, catalase positive, and produced beta hemolysis. What kind of organism is it?
  6. 14. are bacteria that do not maintain the crystal violet stain used to differentiate them from one another when stained with gram's solution.
  7. 16. Salmonellosis other than typhoid is the patient's diagnosis. What would you discover if you cultured the bacteria that causes the infection?
  8. 18. classification)
  9. 19. It is only second to E. The most common causative organism of urinary tract infection in women is E. coli.
  10. 20. Which species would be the simplest to cultivate on a regular microbiological medium?
  1. 1. Identify ONE test that can be used to distinguish between Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitides.
  2. 2. Bacterial pneumonia, meningitis, and otitis media are caused mostly by
  3. 3. Also called the Group D Streptoccocus (according to the
  4. 4. In the presence of salt, S. aurues can grow and ferment manntol, producing colonies surrounded by a yellow halo.
  5. 8. Identify a lab test that can distinguish between Neisseria meningitides and Neisseria lactamica.
  6. 9. Gram-positive cocci that are catalase positive and can cause infections in humans
  7. 11. Life-threatening, acute, purulent meningitis. Development of Petechiae may be associated with meningococcal bacteria.
  8. 13. Leading cause of sexually Transmitted diseases.
  9. 15. Lower respiratory tract infections target elderly people and those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  10. 17. The bacteria that are believed to be the main cause of stomach ulcers are