Gram Positive Spore-forming Rods and Non-spore forming Bacilli

  1. 4. A form of necrosis specific to muscle tissues
  2. 5. Type of paralysis when muscles are totally unresponsive
  3. 6. Characterized by low-grade fever, mild sore throat, and body malaise
  4. 8. Selective media for B. anthracis
  5. 9. Positive for tumbling motility at room temperature
  6. 11. Can affects GIT
  7. 13. Also known as Fried Rice Bacillus
  8. 14. Selective media for C. diphtheriae
  9. 16. Genus that is catalase test positive
  10. 17. Also known as Doderlain Bacillus and a normal vaginal flora
  11. 19. Sreening test for cervical cancer
  12. 20. Motile microorganism that is positive for lipase reaction and glucose
  1. 1. A localized skin infection that is an occupational hazard for fishermen, poultry workers, farmers, & veterinarians
  2. 2. Do not cause hemolysis on BAP
  3. 3. Severe simultaneous spasm of all muscles
  4. 7. Enhanced hemolysis as shown by “clear arrowhead zone” of beta-hemolysis in Reverse CAMP Test
  5. 10. Exotoxin that blocks the release of neurotransmitters that cause spastic paralysis
  6. 12. Selective media for Clostridium difficile
  7. 13. Strict anaerobes and catalase test negative
  8. 15. A positive result of E. rhusiopathiae indicationg H2S production
  9. 17. Can cause greening of agar (green zone around the colonies)
  10. 18. Also known as gas gangrene Bacillus