- 4. A form of necrosis specific to muscle tissues
- 5. Type of paralysis when muscles are totally unresponsive
- 6. Characterized by low-grade fever, mild sore throat, and body malaise
- 8. Selective media for B. anthracis
- 9. Positive for tumbling motility at room temperature
- 11. Can affects GIT
- 13. Also known as Fried Rice Bacillus
- 14. Selective media for C. diphtheriae
- 16. Genus that is catalase test positive
- 17. Also known as Doderlain Bacillus and a normal vaginal flora
- 19. Sreening test for cervical cancer
- 20. Motile microorganism that is positive for lipase reaction and glucose
- 1. A localized skin infection that is an occupational hazard for fishermen, poultry workers, farmers, & veterinarians
- 2. Do not cause hemolysis on BAP
- 3. Severe simultaneous spasm of all muscles
- 7. Enhanced hemolysis as shown by “clear arrowhead zone” of beta-hemolysis in Reverse CAMP Test
- 10. Exotoxin that blocks the release of neurotransmitters that cause spastic paralysis
- 12. Selective media for Clostridium difficile
- 13. Strict anaerobes and catalase test negative
- 15. A positive result of E. rhusiopathiae indicationg H2S production
- 17. Can cause greening of agar (green zone around the colonies)
- 18. Also known as gas gangrene Bacillus