- 3. Outside: Inside sentences are made up of two what?
- 8. Would, Who, Why, and _____. Which W word is messing?
- 9. 3 bad - (dash) question. 3 ______ adjectives followed by a dash then a question which relates to the 3 adjectives.
- 10. When something non-human is given human characteristics.
- 12. A person, place, or thing.
- 14. 1-3 word sentences are what?
- 15. __ed words MUST be followed by what?
- 16. Double ly _____.
- 17. Word to describe an action/what the subject of a sentence is doing.
- 1. Used at the end of a question.
- 2. An emotion word for very very scared.
- 4. Ad, same ad is an adjective used how many times?
- 5. P.C is short for what?
- 6. The more, the more sentence type is useful when developing what trait in a stroy?
- 7. A LIST ______ must have 3 or 4 adjectives before the noun.
- 10. Verb,_____. (English structure name)
- 11. A De:De sentence is a compound sentence in which two independent clauses are separated by a ____.
- 13. When someone's language deliberately overstates how good or bad something is.
- 14. Compares things using like or as.