
  1. 3. Outside: Inside sentences are made up of two what?
  2. 8. Would, Who, Why, and _____. Which W word is messing?
  3. 9. 3 bad - (dash) question. 3 ______ adjectives followed by a dash then a question which relates to the 3 adjectives.
  4. 10. When something non-human is given human characteristics.
  5. 12. A person, place, or thing.
  6. 14. 1-3 word sentences are what?
  7. 15. __ed words MUST be followed by what?
  8. 16. Double ly _____.
  9. 17. Word to describe an action/what the subject of a sentence is doing.
  1. 1. Used at the end of a question.
  2. 2. An emotion word for very very scared.
  3. 4. Ad, same ad is an adjective used how many times?
  4. 5. P.C is short for what?
  5. 6. The more, the more sentence type is useful when developing what trait in a stroy?
  6. 7. A LIST ______ must have 3 or 4 adjectives before the noun.
  7. 10. Verb,_____. (English structure name)
  8. 11. A De:De sentence is a compound sentence in which two independent clauses are separated by a ____.
  9. 13. When someone's language deliberately overstates how good or bad something is.
  10. 14. Compares things using like or as.