
  1. 2. These words replace the noun
  2. 6. This adverb tells you how long something happens for
  3. 7. Nouns that cannot be counted or pluralised
  4. 8. These words give more information about a verb, adjective or its own kind
  5. 11. Slowest, fastest, best, most fascinating are all examples of which type of adjective
  6. 16. These join linguistic units
  7. 17. These verbs include DO/HAVE/BE
  8. 18. 'I went to the beach and I bought an ice cream' is which type of sentence
  9. 19. I/you/he/she/it are which type of pronoun
  10. 20. the/a/an are the three types of what
  11. 21. The function of words in sentences along with word classes and the study of individual units of language
  1. 1. Sentences are made up of these
  2. 3. myself, themselves, himself, ourselves are which type of pronoun
  3. 4. This clause relies on a main clause to make sense
  4. 5. These adverbs tell you how something is done
  5. 6. These shows what a noun is referring to
  6. 9. The lowest grade of an adjective
  7. 10. This clause makes sense on its own
  8. 12. This type of verb identifies the main action of the sentence
  9. 13. Nouns that describe a group of animals, people, things
  10. 14. This type of sentence is made up of a main clause and a subordinate clause
  11. 15. A type of auxiliary verb
  12. 17. Nouns that are the names of people, places, organisations