- 2. These words replace the noun
- 6. This adverb tells you how long something happens for
- 7. Nouns that cannot be counted or pluralised
- 8. These words give more information about a verb, adjective or its own kind
- 11. Slowest, fastest, best, most fascinating are all examples of which type of adjective
- 16. These join linguistic units
- 17. These verbs include DO/HAVE/BE
- 18. 'I went to the beach and I bought an ice cream' is which type of sentence
- 19. I/you/he/she/it are which type of pronoun
- 20. the/a/an are the three types of what
- 21. The function of words in sentences along with word classes and the study of individual units of language
- 1. Sentences are made up of these
- 3. myself, themselves, himself, ourselves are which type of pronoun
- 4. This clause relies on a main clause to make sense
- 5. These adverbs tell you how something is done
- 6. These shows what a noun is referring to
- 9. The lowest grade of an adjective
- 10. This clause makes sense on its own
- 12. This type of verb identifies the main action of the sentence
- 13. Nouns that describe a group of animals, people, things
- 14. This type of sentence is made up of a main clause and a subordinate clause
- 15. A type of auxiliary verb
- 17. Nouns that are the names of people, places, organisations