- 1. describing word
- 4. a special type of common noun that refers to a group of individuals
- 7. connects words
- 8. a word that indicates the mood of a verb
- 9. words that have a subject and an object
- 10. a word that refers to things we cannot experience in a physical sense: to states of being
- 12. words that refer to people, places or things that are part of our physical world
- 13. structure word that introduces nouns, gives meaning and tells what words are nouns and verbs
- 15. name certain people, places and things and always begin with a capital letter
- 16. words that do not express action. Instead, they connect the subject of the verb to additional information about the subject
- 19. a state of being
- 20. joining word
- 2. words that have a subject but do not have an object
- 3. punctuation marks used in pairs to set off direct speech, a quotation or a phrase
- 5. structure words that give meaning to words and tell us what words are nouns and verbs
- 6. gives further meaning to a verb
- 11. expressive word
- 14. a word that enables us to convey meaning more precisely
- 17. replaces a noun
- 18. naming word