Grammar Review I

  1. 2. verbals being nouns
  2. 4. a, an, some
  3. 5. the
  4. 11. describes a verb, adj, or adverb
  5. 13. who or what the sentence is abou
  6. 15. root form of a verb
  7. 16. person place or thing
  8. 17. everyday names of things
  9. 18. action or state of being
  10. 20. specific names of things
  1. 1. verb takes a DO
  2. 3. describes a noun
  3. 4. root form of verb
  4. 6. verb doesn't take a DO
  5. 7. noun can see hear smell etc
  6. 8. combines 2 independent clauses
  7. 9. ideas that are things
  8. 10. owns something
  9. 12. verbs acting like nouns adj
  10. 14. verbals being adj
  11. 19. takes the place of a noun