
  1. 2. joins words, phrases
  2. 4. ends with period
  3. 6. exclamation point
  4. 7. modifies noun and pronouns
  5. 8. noun or pronoun, before direct object
  6. 9. verb- shows action
  7. 10. does not take a direct object
  8. 11. nominative- linking verb renames the subject
  9. 12. helps action or linking verb
  10. 14. place or thing
  11. 15. sentence- 2 or more independent clause
  12. 18. connect two words
  13. 19. can never stand alone
  14. 20. noun- specific names/places (capital letter)
  15. 23. ownership
  16. 24. relationship between noun and pronoun
  17. 27. verb- take a direct object
  1. 1. shows emotion, example OMG WOW!
  2. 3. sentence-1 independent clause and 1 or more dependent clause
  3. 5. direct object- follows action verb, noun and pronoun
  4. 8. each sentence must have 1 independent clause and can stand alone
  5. 10. ends with question mark
  6. 13. noun- non specific (lower case)
  7. 16. phrase- groups of words beginning with a preposition, noun or pronoun
  8. 17. subject- 1 independent clause
  9. 21. period or exclamation point
  10. 22. noun or pronoun, renames after noun or pronoun
  11. 25. of preposition- follows a preposition, tells what
  12. 26. show action
  13. 28. modify adjectives verbs and other adverbs