Graphing Linear Functions

  1. 4. pairs of inputs with outputs
  2. 6. always positive
  3. 7. not a line
  4. 8. the cause
  5. 11. change in x-direction
  6. 12. change in y-direction divided by change in x-direction
  7. 14. location where graph crosses x-axis
  8. 15. all x-values
  9. 16. change in y-direction
  10. 18. does not change
  1. 1. each input has exactly one output
  2. 2. the effect
  3. 3. location where graph crosses y-axis
  4. 5. y=mx+b
  5. 9. disconnected
  6. 10. connected
  7. 13. line
  8. 17. all y-values