- 6. sun centered solar system
- 7. force where a more massive object puts a big dent in the fabric of space
- 9. the inner rocky planets
- 10. ancient Greek astronomer who developed the first model of the solar system
- 11. the outer planets made mostly of atmosphere
- 12. the shape of a planet's orbit around the sun
- 16. during nuclear fusion hydrogen gets fused into this element
- 17. movement of one object around a more massive object
- 18. astronomer who developed the 3 laws of planetary motion
- 1. described gravity and created 3 laws of motion
- 2. when gas and dust collapse at the beginning of the formation of the solar system
- 3. force that is combined with gravity to keep planets in orbit
- 4. force is a measurement of mass times this force
- 5. as a nebula collapses it flattens into this
- 8. astronomer that explained the geocentric model by saying planets move in circles on circles
- 13. earth centered solar system
- 14. proved that Copernicus was correct by discovering 4 moons of Jupiter and phases of Venus
- 15. first astronomer to create a true heliocentric model with planets orbiting in perfect circles