great depression

  1. 2. founder of social credits
  2. 3. ten point program tp eradicate capitalism and create a cooperative commonwealth in Canada
  3. 9. found in quebec by Maurice Duplessis
  4. 10. the place was hit by natural disasters
  5. 12. founder of C.C.F
  6. 13. people were from their homes when they couldn't pay rent
  1. 1. prime minister of canada
  2. 4. millions of hectors were blown away in the storms
  3. 5. business condition during the depression
  4. 6. people from prairies moved here for jobs
  5. 7. many poor people lived here
  6. 8. form of relief to buy food
  7. 10. relief payments from the government
  8. 11. the price on this fell dramatically at the prairies