great depression

  1. 1. make changes in a social, political, or economic institution or practice to in prove it
  2. 5. a group of experts appointed to advise a government or politician
  3. 6. a shareholder
  4. 12. 32nd President of the United States
  5. 16. borrowing the balance from a bank or broker
  6. 19. a political and economic theory of social organization
  1. 2. the rounding up and deportation of several hundred immigrants
  2. 3. a shortage of water
  3. 4. a shantytown built by unemployed and destitute people during the depression
  4. 6. government system that provides monetary assistance to people with an inadequate or no income
  5. 7. vegetation has been lost and soil reduced to dust
  6. 8. stock market crash that precipitated the great depression
  7. 9. a day on which banks are officially closed
  8. 10. american author of twenty-seven books
  9. 11. rapid settlement of the continental united states
  10. 13. longest-serving first lady of the united states
  11. 14. overwhelming majority of votes for one party in an election
  12. 15. a series of radio broadcasts made by president franklin delano roosevelt
  13. 17. a series of domestic programs enacted in the united states
  14. 18. federal government agencies created as part of the new deal