Great Minds

  1. 3. clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (6)
  2. 4. is the name of the sheep that caused a public outrage in 1997 (5)
  3. 7. Darwin's natural heir; the Ant Man (6)
  4. 10. a fundamental change in the basic concepts and experimental practices of a scientific discipline (8,5)
  5. 13. the man who coined the term "systems biology" (4)
  6. 16. the "....." software revolution is a term used by computational biologists investigating the biological code that dictates cellular behavior (6)
  7. 17. the Triple ..... (5) ..... (5) describes the dynamic interactions between academia, industry, and government (5,5)
  8. 18. the African clawed frog is famous because it was the first animal to be "what" in a laboratory (6)
  9. 20. a potential yet so far unprofitable source of biofuels (5)
  10. 21. you might be accused of this if you do not cite appropriately (10)
  11. 22. the innate emotional affiliation of human beings to other living organisms (9)
  12. 24. Natural sciences are divided into physical science and life sciences. This is another word for the "life sciences" (7)
  13. 25. unlike Eukaryotes this life-form has no nucleus and no organelles (11)
  1. 1. the godfather of cloning (6)
  2. 2. a symbiotic relationship where one organism lives inside the other (14)
  3. 5. ... is the property of cells to revert to an immature state and be reprogrammed to develop as a different cell type, as discovered by Yamanaka (12)
  4. 6. reasons and evidence provided to explain why one (debating)team disagrees with the other (8)
  5. 8. who said, "I don't consider my ideas controversial, I consider them right"? (8)
  6. 9. this technological development enabled discoveries in microbiology (10)
  7. 10. the large-scale study of the complex protein molecules produced by genes is called ...... (10)
  8. 11. organisms that thrive in extreme environments are termed ... (13)
  9. 12. the man who, in someone's words "prevented more cancer deaths than any person who has ever lived" (8)
  10. 14. Nobel Prize-winning biochemist who worked with Charpentier (6)
  11. 15. a type of pathogen that can only replicate when inside another living cell (5)
  12. 19. this discipline asks fundamental questions about the possibility of life on other worlds (12)
  13. 23. the person who challenged the publicly funded Human Genome Project that it could be completed faster and cheaper (6)