Great Minds

  1. 3. This invention brought artificial light into our daily lives, greatly improving our ability to work and live AFTER DARK.
  2. 5. New or improved objects or processes created through research and experimentation.
  3. 8. He invented the light bulb and the phonograph.
  4. 10. Location and navigation are made possible thanks to this invention.
  5. 11. He was an artist, inventor, and scientist who is known for works such as the Mona Lisa and the flying machine.
  6. 12. He is known for his theory of relativity.
  7. 14. Different abilities individuals possess such as verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, and bodily-kinesthetic.
  1. 1. This invention allows us to stay in touch with people ANYTIME and ANYWHERE, making communication more convenient than ever before.
  2. 2. This discovery changed the way we live and work, powering everything from our homes to our factories.
  3. 4. This invention allows people to connect and share information INSTANTLY and EASILY from anywhere in the world.
  4. 6. He formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation.
  5. 7. Revolutionary invention for electronic data processing
  6. 9. This invention revolutionized transportation by allowing people to fly through the air, greatly reducing travel times.
  7. 13. He made significant contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.