- 1. Goddess of Marriages and Childbirth
- 4. Mother Earth, Mother of Titans
- 6. Goddess of the Hunt and Night
- 7. Goddess of Agriculture
- 9. God of War and Slaughter
- 15. God of the Sun, Music, Medicine etc.
- 16. Goddess of the Spring and Flowers
- 18. God of the Skies
- 19. Goddess of Hearth and Home
- 20. God of the Underworld
- 21. Goddess of Tactical War and Wisdom
- 22. Goddess and personification of Night
- 2. Titan and mother of Zeus
- 3. God of the Heavens father of Titans
- 5. God of Messages, Crossroads, Thieves, etc.
- 8. God of the deepest darkest pit of the Underworld
- 10. God of Destructive Time father of the Olympians
- 11. Goddess of Love
- 12. God of Wine and Madness
- 13. God of the Forge and weapon maker of the gods
- 14. God of the Oceans
- 17. God of Love