- 1. They ate lots of what?
- 3. Protector of Greece
- 12. Had few rights
- 13. Ancient Greeks greatest foe
- 15. Person who takes power illegally
- 17. One of the biggest rulers in Greek's history
- 18. What did they call themselves?
- 19. The only person with voting rights
- 20. King of all gods in Greek mythology
- 2. Trained to be warrior from birth
- 4. 12 Gods lived on what mountain in greece?
- 5. Athens government
- 6. Home of the Greeks
- 7. About one third of ancient greeks were...
- 8. Ships used in battle were called...
- 9. Golden Touch
- 10. Most recognizable greek city state
- 11. The goddess of war was...
- 14. Someone with the right to participate in govorment
- 16. The battle that granted greece victory