
  1. 1. They ate lots of what?
  2. 3. Protector of Greece
  3. 12. Had few rights
  4. 13. Ancient Greeks greatest foe
  5. 15. Person who takes power illegally
  6. 17. One of the biggest rulers in Greek's history
  7. 18. What did they call themselves?
  8. 19. The only person with voting rights
  9. 20. King of all gods in Greek mythology
  1. 2. Trained to be warrior from birth
  2. 4. 12 Gods lived on what mountain in greece?
  3. 5. Athens government
  4. 6. Home of the Greeks
  5. 7. About one third of ancient greeks were...
  6. 8. Ships used in battle were called...
  7. 9. Golden Touch
  8. 10. Most recognizable greek city state
  9. 11. The goddess of war was...
  10. 14. Someone with the right to participate in govorment
  11. 16. The battle that granted greece victory