Greece🏺 vs, Rome⚱️

  1. 5. what happened during the third Punic war?
  2. 7. what types of food did Greece grow?
  3. 9. what games did Greece kids play?
  4. 11. what happened in the second Punic war?
  5. 13. what did the Greece kids learn?
  6. 16. who was the first Roman emperor?
  7. 17. what is in the Roman timeline?
  8. 18. how long did the roman republic last?
  9. 19. what were the ages for people to get married in Rome?
  10. 20. what types of clothes did the Greeks wear?
  1. 1. what types of pets did the Greece families have?
  2. 2. when did Rome fall?
  3. 3. what happened during the first Punic war?
  4. 4. who was the main god in Rome?
  5. 6. What were Greek houses made out of?
  6. 8. how did Greece get their wine?
  7. 10. how are the Greeks' alphabet different from today's alphabet?
  8. 12. who were the founders of Rome?
  9. 14. what did Greeks use to make their art?
  10. 15. what type of art did the Romans make?