Greek and Latin roots

  1. 5. telescope for looking at the sun
  2. 7. thorough knowledge
  3. 9. one whose sleep walking is supposedly caused by the moon
  4. 10. of or pertaining to the moon
  5. 12. a star fish with more then five rays
  6. 14. hardest substance
  7. 16. kindly;jaunty
  1. 1. plant which turns tward the sun
  2. 2. shot through, possessed
  3. 3. rich find in a gold mine
  4. 4. lunar month or the time from one new moon to the next
  5. 6. glass in closed sun room
  6. 8. pertaining to the sun
  7. 11. plentiful;good
  8. 13. a layer under the earth where water flows
  9. 15. light gas used in balloons
  10. 17. a structure for bringing water