Greek City States

  1. 5. Located in Ionia- key in Persian War.
  2. 6. Sparta won this war and led this alliance
  3. 9. Philip II defeated Thebes. Where was he from?
  4. 10. Soundly defeated Sparta and ended its dominance in the Greek world.
  5. 11. Known for its textiles and colonies. Responsible for Constantinople, a major world city.
  6. 13. Wealthy naval city state on the island of Sicily
  1. 1. Often the peace keeper between Athens and sparta
  2. 2. Where did the famous "stand" of the 300 Spartans take place during the Persian War.
  3. 3. While never one of the most powerful city states, it was often a thorn in Sparta's side
  4. 4. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, created by Rhodes.
  5. 7. Athens was the birthplace of
  6. 8. Thebes ended the influence of a major city state at this event
  7. 12. Important pilgrimage site to ancient Greeks.