Greek Culture

  1. 2. Heroes fought to protect this idea: defend their ______ and their familyś ______.
  2. 3. Goddess of wisdom and crafts
  3. 6. Prayers and offerings of gifts to the gods
  4. 10. Story of Odysseus´ return home from the Trojan War
  5. 11. The spoken tradition of passing stories or poems by word of mouth.
  6. 13. Most famous of Greek comedy writers.
  7. 16. Place where sports games were played to honor Zeus; began in 776 B.C.
  8. 17. The god who spoke through the Oracle at Delphi
  9. 18. The group of performers who in the earliest dramas presented the entire story through song and dance.
  10. 19. Only they could act in dramas--played both menś and womenś parts.
  11. 20. According to the seventh learning link in the digital textbook, which Memorial in Washington, D.C., is modeled after the Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens?
  12. 23. The number of Olympia gods and goddesses.
  13. 24. King of the gods; god of the sky, rain, and lighting
  14. 28. Which House in Washington, D.C., uses Greek architectural style?
  15. 29. Home or place of the sacred shrine where Greeceś chief oracle resided.
  1. 1. Fanciest of the Greek column capitals--made up of leaves
  2. 3. Goddess of love and beauty.
  3. 4. God of war
  4. 5. Story of the Trojan War
  5. 7. Shared beliefs, language and customs
  6. 8. Traditional stories about gods, goddesses and heroes.
  7. 9. A story or play on stage told through the words and actions of a cast of characters; invented by the Greeks.
  8. 10. The mountain where the gods and goddesses lived.
  9. 12. The title given to Greek art and architecture: the ideals of reason, balance, and harmony.
  10. 14. A drama in which the main character struggles to overcome hardships, but ultimately fails.
  11. 15. Athenian dramatist; wrote ¨Oedipus Rex¨ and ¨Antigone¨
  12. 21. A play filled with humor that often pokes fun at foolish people.
  13. 22. Greek dramatist who wrote the Oresteia--a cycle of three plays about revenge and murder
  14. 25. Long poem about the adventures of a hero.
  15. 26. Greek writer of animal fables with a moral or message.
  16. 27. Wife of Queen Menelaus; her love affair and flight to Troy with Prince Paris is the spark that ignited the Trojan War.