Greek Gods And titans

  1. 2. Queen of the Olympian gods.
  2. 3. The Goddess that represented the Earth.
  3. 6. The Titan God of Heavily Constellations.
  4. 8. The God of the underworld.
  5. 10. Goddess of the hunt
  6. 12. God of the Sea and is medusa's boyfriend.
  7. 13. This Titan can be known as the God of Craftmanship.
  8. 14. God of the vine the last god to enter Olympus.
  9. 15. A king who ruled from 560 Bc to 546BC
  10. 18. God known as a trickster
  11. 19. Goddess of war and wisdom.
  12. 20. The Father of the Sky and the ruler of the Universe.
  1. 1. The Father Of Gods
  2. 4. God of War represented the unpleasant aspects of battle
  3. 5. Goddess of harvest
  4. 6. The Youngest Titan
  5. 7. The Tian God Of Light
  6. 9. God of Art and music
  7. 11. God of fire known as the ugly god.
  8. 16. The Titan God of Water.
  9. 17. The Virgin Goddess of the hearth