- 1. God of the Sun
- 4. Gorgon with Snakes for Hair
- 7. Goddess of Love
- 11. Poet who wrote The Odyssey and The Iliad
- 13. Goddess of the Earth
- 14. Messenger God
- 17. Queen of the Underworld, Goddess of the Spring, and Wife of Hades
- 19. God of Wine
- 20. King with the power to turn things to Gold
- 2. Mountain of the Gods
- 3. Disney made a movie about this DemiGod
- 5. Three-Headed Dog who guards the Underworld
- 6. Capital of Greece
- 8. God of the underworld and Husband of Persephone
- 9. Flew too close to the Sun
- 10. God of the Sea
- 12. Goddess of Wisdom
- 15. God of War
- 16. Wielder of Lightning Bolts and Husband of Hera
- 18. Queen of Olympus and Wife of Zeus