Greek Gods Mythology

  1. 1. God of the Sun
  2. 4. Gorgon with Snakes for Hair
  3. 7. Goddess of Love
  4. 11. Poet who wrote The Odyssey and The Iliad
  5. 13. Goddess of the Earth
  6. 14. Messenger God
  7. 17. Queen of the Underworld, Goddess of the Spring, and Wife of Hades
  8. 19. God of Wine
  9. 20. King with the power to turn things to Gold
  1. 2. Mountain of the Gods
  2. 3. Disney made a movie about this DemiGod
  3. 5. Three-Headed Dog who guards the Underworld
  4. 6. Capital of Greece
  5. 8. God of the underworld and Husband of Persephone
  6. 9. Flew too close to the Sun
  7. 10. God of the Sea
  8. 12. Goddess of Wisdom
  9. 15. God of War
  10. 16. Wielder of Lightning Bolts and Husband of Hera
  11. 18. Queen of Olympus and Wife of Zeus